Our prices

We regret to inform you that the studio has permanently closed. Thank you for your cooperation.




Portrait room #1″:

Price of rent: 30 Euros/ Hour (€) (Plus VAT); whole day (7-9 h.) – 200,–€ (exkl. MwSt).
Minimum time of rent: 1 hour;



Portrait room #2″:

Price of rent: 30 Euros/ Hour (€) (Plus VAT); whole day (7-9 h.) – 200,–€ (exkl. MwSt).
Minimum time of rent: 1 hour;




Minimum time of rent: 4 hours;
Price of rent: 3 hours: 200,–€ (Plus VAT);
4 hours: 250,–€ (Plus VAT);

whole day – 9 hours. 390,–€ (Plus VAT);



Extra charges

A 25% extra will be charged in case:
• shootings on weekend and public holidays
• during the weekdays before 9:00 and after 19:00

All prices not included 20% VAT.

On public holidays of Austria, the photo-studio is only opened if previously discussed.